
I Surrender

Dear Lord; Happy Friday Father!

“Surrender, Phil…”

Your words echoed painfully throughout my heart this morning Lord; binding me to a realization I’ve been purposefully ignoring these past several weeks…

I haven’t been trusting You completely.

I’ve worried…

I’ve struggled…

I’ve panicked…

I’ve tried to handle things under my own strength…

And I’ve been feeling that crushing weight on my shoulders Lord… A weight You never intended for me to carry alone.

I’ve been swimming upstream Father, and I’m tired.

And yet, in the midst of my self-focused efforts to fight those fearsome currents Lord…

You offer me rest,

And assistance,

And grace.

“Surrender, Phil…”

Help me to see beyond my arrogance Father; with vision not clouded by earthly lenses.

Remind me Lord…

That my burdens don’t define me, but instead offer an opportunity; the chance to know Your unending love for me in a personal, intimate way:

To draw me closer to You…

To share my pain, my joys, my laughter, and my tears;

And to guide and strengthen me into the man You desire I become.

I hear You Father…

And I surrender.

~Phather Phil

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