
Another Chance…


Dear Lord; Happy New Year’s Eve Father!

As my mind wandered this morning Father, drifting along this past year’s erratic path and pondering the days ahead You spoke to my heart; a whispered phrase of things to be…

“Another Chance…” You promised.

 And with that I realized Lord… Every day I wake with breath in my lungs You’ve granted me Another Chance…

“I will never forget this awful time,

as I grieve over my loss.

Yet I still dare to hope

when I remember this:

The faithful love of the Lord never ends!

His mercies never cease.

Great is his faithfulness;

his mercies begin afresh each morning.” – Lamentations 3:20-23 (NLT)

Another Chance to recognize my mistakes…

And hopefully to learn from them.

Another Chance to receive Your gracious love…

And to share that love with others.

Another Chance to look with wonder at the Blessings all around me…

And Another Chance to worship; to lift my heart to You in gratefulness.

Another Chance to cast off the chains of my self-imposed guilt and failures and place them at Your feet…

And Another Chance to grow closer to You in the process.

Another Chance to read Your Word…

And know You more through each passage and verse.

Another Chance to gracefully accept the assistance of others when it’s offered…

And Another Chance to reach out to them in love as well.

Another Chance to strive for righteousness Lord…

Another Chance to draw closer to the man You desire me to become.

Thank You Father…

For Another Chance.


~Phather Phil

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