The Divine Litmus Test
Dear Lord; Whew… What a crazy morning it’s been Father. In addition to the normal first-thing rushing around to get everyone ready for work and school, today we had to contend with a grumpy almost-11-year-old who apparently was still disgruntled from an argument over homework with his mother the night before. His mood of course, did nothing to expedite all of us getting out of the house on time, and we found ourselves running to get out the door. In the car on the way to school, I got the chance to try and talk with him about his behavior and when that was met with resistance, I hit him with the bomb; “Jonathan, if Jesus was standing next to you right now, how do you think he’d feel about your behavior?” That got his attention. He looked down at his lap and mumbled something about how he knew Jesus wouldn’t approve, and his demeanor seemed to lighten a bit. I challenged him to think about that question more over the course of the day, and told him we’d talk more when I got home.
After dropping the kids off at school, I started playing things back in my head and thinking about the question I asked him in a larger context. It dawned on me that this was really an inquiry that we should all ask ourselves on a more regular basis. Yes, I do try to make decisions based on what my beliefs say are correct and I do try to listen for Your Guidance over the course of my day, but I certainly know I’m imperfect and don’t always make the right calls for every situation. Therefore Father, over this Season of Celebration I’m going to try to spend more time putting my actions and judgment to the same litmus test I asked of my son this morning. My hope is that by putting myself under the proverbial “Holy Microscope” more often I can gain further understanding of Your Will, and be a better husband, father, businessman, and Child of God. Amen. ~Phather Phil