
The Reason for the Season

Dear Lord; This morning Father, I’d actually like to rant a little bit if you don’t mind.  The focus of my rambling is the overabundance of “Political Correctness” that seems to be even more overblown this time of year.  I’m generally a very flexible person Lord, especially when working with peoples’ beliefs and religious (or lack thereof) affiliations, however why do some people find it necessary to force those restrictions and connotations on the rest of the world?  Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve started seeing the typical “Take the Christ out of Christmas so as not to offend anyone” actions brought about by certain governmental bodies and other secular groups, and it just irks me to no end.  It’s actually funny, but I have friends that are Jewish, Wiccan and Buddhist and even they’re bothered by this attitude our culture seems to have as of late.

So Lord, this year to try and help balance all the “P.C.” that’s going on, I’m working even harder to focus on the true reason for this Blessed Season; The Celebration of Your Son’s Holy Birth!  Please Lord, shine Your Divine Light on our hearts and minds, and help us all Honor the Greatest Gift the world was ever given.  Fill our Spirits with Your Presence, and let the world feel the Peace that was ushered in that Holy Night.  Amen.  ~Phather Phil
