
Angels Among Us

Dear Lord; First off Father, if I seem to ramble a little this morning, please forgive me.  This nasty bug that Shannon and I came down with Sunday morning has hit us so hard and so fast that I’m a bit disjointed at the moment.  However Lord, although all my body wants right now is to go back to sleep my heart cried out to speak with You about something wonderful that happened to us yesterday.

This was to be a busy weekend for us.  Friday night, we had Jonathan’s 11th birthday party at the house and a number of his friends stayed overnight with us.  It was a bit on the crazy side with that many pre-teen boys running through the house, but everyone had a good time and we survived the onslaught.  Saturday afternoon, our boys then went to stay overnight with Aidan’s Godparents as Shannon and I had an “Adults Only” Christmas Party to attend, and it was to go quite late.  The party was lots of fun, and we got home somewhere around 2:30am Sunday morning.  Around 4:00am, both of us woke to fevers, chills, severe body aches and coughing.  This lasted throughout the rest of the night, and well into the morning.

As I mentioned, this was intended to be a busy and productive weekend for us, including Sunday.  With the hectic schedules we both have we were behind on all the typical household chores (laundry, dishes, groceries, etc.) as well as helping Jonathan with a school project due Monday and preparing a huge amount of homemade foods for Christmas gift baskets.  Sunday was set aside to be the day to get all that accomplished, and with us both in horrible shape, it was looking very unlikely most of those things would get done.  Being this was the last weekend before Christmas, this was a devastating blow to Shannon and I.

And then You intervened.

We have some friends that we’ve become quite close with over the last couple of months.  They’re good people, but have been dealing with one nightmare after another for some time now.  Their plate is more than full Lord, it’s overflowing.  And yet, when they found out that Shannon and I were down for the count, the next thing we knew the wife of the couple was at our door.

We helped as much as we could Father, but she ran the show.  She took Shannon to the grocery store, helped do the necessary cooking, did a number of loads of laundry, and even found time to help Jonathan with his project; All the while insisting that we rest and try to recuperate.  She was in every way Heaven Sent Lord, and I can’t tell You how much it meant to both of us.

Therefore Father, my prayers today are very focused.  Please bestow Your Love and Blessings on this wonderful lady and her family.  Continue to fill her heart with the Love of Christ, and give her Peace knowing that she is indeed Loved and Appreciated in so many ways.  Amen.  ~Phather Phil
