Time to Clean House
Dear Lord; Good afternoon Father.
Today Lord, I spent much of my morning “cleaning house” at my shop. We actually moved into these new offices over a year ago, but it was a rushed move and in the haste to meet contractual deadlines we ended up doing a poor job of sorting and packing equipment, tools, paperwork and such. The result of which was that anything that we didn’t need right that moment was tossed into boxes somewhat randomly, and then stuck on shelves in the new space. Well, today the lack of being able to find a part that I knew I had got the better of me, and I started tearing through boxes; sorting, tossing things out and beginning to put some order to the chaos. It was truly amazing what we had shoved aside, and in the end I even found the item I was looking for. There’s still a lot more to go through, but every journey has to start somewhere.
Hmmm… Where have I heard that before?
At some point during my morning of discovery, I realized that maybe I needed to go through a similar process in my spiritual life. There are lots of “boxes of stuff” I’ve built up inside of me over the years that I’ve hurriedly shoved aside while running from one situation to the next. I’ve opened some of them and put them in their places, but there are many others that still lie on my emotional shelves gathering dust. I think we all hold on to some “baggage” like that as we go through life; containers filled with past guilt, remorse, longing and sadness that we file away with the intention to deal with them at a later date.
Well Lord, I’m tired of tripping over them.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” – 2 Corinthians 5:17
I’ve given myself completely to You Father, so these storehouses of pent-up burdens need to go… We need the room for the two of us to build a new “living space” together.
Heavenly Father, I place the dusty baggage of my soul in Your Loving Hands. I’ve learned what I can from it, and now need to focus on Your New Life in me. I pray that the new, cleaner house we build together will be deemed ready to reside in Your Kingdom. Amen.
~Phather Phil