
The Big Picture

Dear Lord; Happy Friday Father!

Well Father, once again another work-week lies behind me.  It’s truly been a period of transition, with some changes for the positive, and others not so much.  However, through all of the highs and lows this roller-coaster of a week has brought I’ve been Blessed to have felt Your Presence beside me the entire time.  You are truly ever-faithful to Your Children, and even though I may not understand why things happen the way they do, I have complete Faith that You’re always in control and guiding us along the proper path.

As I alluded to yesterday, due to a chain of events outside my control I faced a nerve-wracking situation at work this week that tried desperately to consume my spirit.  More than once, in my communing with You over the last several days I bluntly heard you tell me to do something that seemed strangely out of context, so I foolishly allowed my besieged heart to put the message aside while I focused on my immediate crisis.  Finally, worn and tired yesterday evening I listened to Your Insistent Voice and made the call You had been telling me to make.

In a ten minute conversation, the nightmare situation I had been dwelling on all week was taken care of.

You were trying to tell me all along what I needed to do Father, I just didn’t put the two things together.  Once again, I’m humbled and reminded that only You have the “Big Picture”.

“”For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.

“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.” – Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV)

Thank You Father, for shining Your light in my dark moments, for teaching and guiding me (even when I’m being stubborn), and for Blessing me with Your Presence in my life each day.  Amen.

~Phather Phil
