
Creation Anxiously Awaits

Dear Lord; Happy Monday Father!

First off Father, I want to thank You for another enjoyable weekend.  I was Blessed to spend quite a bit of quality time with my wife and children, Shannon and I got out for a “date night” on Saturday, I managed to catch up on some laundry, dishes and housework, and the boys and I even went on an outing to walk the trails at Blackbird State Forest on Sunday afternoon.  All in all, it was a restful and satisfying couple of days and I thank You so much for that respite.

As I’ve mentioned to you before Lord, Blackbird Forest is one of those places where I feel most connected to Your Presence.  It was a lovely day here on Sunday, and our time spent trekking through the majesty of Your Creation was wonderful as always.  I’m extremely pleased that Jonathan and Aidan have developed such a love of nature, and that they eagerly look forward to our exploration time together.  We’re already planning some longer day trips together as the weather improves, so we can hike some of the more lengthy trails.  Either way, I look forward to spending lots of communal time with You on those paths in the upcoming seasons.  🙂

Today Father, while doing some reading I ran across a passage in Romans that loudly spoke to me and I’d like to share it:

“ I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.  For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.” – Romans 8:18-19 (NIV)

Wow Lord, what a powerful statement the Apostle Paul makes here!  Not only is he reminding us that the trials and tribulations we go through in this lifetime are insignificant when compared to the glory we will receive in Your Kingdom, but also that creation itself is anxiously awaiting what’s coming as well!  From walking through the forest yesterday and feeling Your Presence in such magnitude, these verses just reached out to me today when I came across them.

Heavenly Father, thank You once again for a lovely weekend and for continuing to bless us with Your Presence.  I pray that we all may see past the daily burdens we encounter, secure in the knowledge that these trials are temporary and that Your Glory to come far outweighs any suffering we endure here on Earth.  Amen.

~Phather Phil

Thankful Thursday: Ever Faithful

Dear Lord; Good evening Father!

And we come again Father, to another “Thankful Thursday” post at  This is turning out to be one of my favorite weekly posts to write, but it’s usually difficult to pick just one thing to focus my thanks and praise on.  Well Father, today wasn’t so hard, in fact it was staring me in my spiritual face.  Today Father (and really every day), I’m most thankful for Your Faithfulness to me.

The last couple of years have seen drastic changes in my life, and in the lives of my family.  We’ve had amazing highs, and desperate lows and yet through all of it… You were there:

When Shannon was injured and unable to move without pain… You emboldened and supported us, and sent her Your Healing Touch.

When my best friend passed away from cancer last year… You held me in Your Comforting Embrace and reminded me that he lived on in Your Kingdom.

Through all the economic turmoil and business nightmares of the last year… You encouraged me, and helped me to refocus on what was truly important in my life.

When Jonathan became part of the Kay’s Kamp Program and we watched his heart shine Your Light to so many others… You cried for joy along with us and cheered at each of his accomplishments.

When Shannon finally found a job that was the right fit, where she was welcomed and encouraged… You stood proudly beside her.

When I was Blessed to have the opportunity to join two friends in marriage last year… You filled the room with Your Presence, and Your Light was felt by everyone in attendance.

And the list could go on, and on, and on… 🙂

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” – Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV)

Heavenly Father, I thank You from the bottom of my heart for Your Faithfulness to Your Children.  We are undeserving of such Grace, and yet You lift us up in Your Loving Hands and make us more than we could ever hope to be.  Amen.

~Phather Phil

Parenting Tips from Sinai

Dear Lord; Good afternoon Father.

As You know Lord, I’ve been spending time lately delving back into the books of the Old Testament.  There are so many treasures in those writings, and each time I read from those pages I get new life breathed into my spirit.  This past weekend I read through the entire book of Leviticus and although it was a long read for me, I did gain some quiet wisdom from those passages.  Inside of all of those pages of Laws and Rules You dictated to Moses for the Israelites was one common theme:

You care about Your Children, and want us to be healthy, obedient and prosperous.

Now, I realize that’s a serious overgeneralization Father, but I believe a reasonable one all the same.  You laid down Rules for worship, for cleanliness, for conduct and for medical treatment that served to guide them as a society in those times.  You cared enough to give them that foundation, those morals and that guidance.

It’s very much what I try to impress on my own children;

A sense of commitment…

A feeling of wonder…

Respect for laws, rules and ethics…

A sense of responsibility…

Empathy and compassion for others…

And a deep Love and Reverence for You.

And funny enough, that’s exactly what I got from Your Word this weekend.  Thank You.  🙂


~Phather Phil

Thankful Thursday: Sing Joyfully

Dear Lord; Good morning Father!

Well Father, today marks week three that I’m celebrating “Thankful Thursday” here at!  I’m really enjoying these weekly postings, as it gets my head focused on all the wondrous Blessings You’ve granted me.  Starting my day thinking “What am I truly thankful for today?” is an excellent frame of mind to be in for the morning ahead.

Today Father, I’d like to thank You for the inspiration and encouragement I receive each day through the wonderful avenue of Christian Music.  Over the last several months I’ve switched to almost exclusively listening to Contemporary Christian Music each day, and it’s brought an amazing change to my mood and perspective.  Between the local radio station we listen to in the car, to streaming K-Love on my computer at work, to the Contemporary Christian Music Channel on our digital cable TV I leave on in the background during the evening hours, my ears are filled with songs praising You for much of my day.  I never have to be concerned with the content not being appropriate for my children, and we’re all the better for having this melodious form of worship going on while being entertained by such marvelous artists.

Jonathan and I even have tickets to see the Newsboys with Kutless and Disciple in a couple weeks!  He’s become a big Newsboys fan, and this is his first concert of any kind so he’s extra excited (ok… so am I.  🙂 ).  As I’ve mentioned to You before, listening to my boys sing these songs of praise along with the radio in the mornings on the way to school just warms my heart to no end.  This music is truly a Blessing, and makes a wonderful impact on our lives each day.

I think this piece of scripture states it beautifully Father:

“Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous;
it is fitting for the upright to praise him.” – Psalm 33:1

We do, and it is.  Thank You Lord!


~Phather Phil

Young Minds Want to Know

Dear Lord; Good afternoon Father.

Today Lord, I’d like to start out with a quick prayer of support for my wife Shannon.  Between being ill for the past week, a busy work schedule, college classes and symphony she’s been burning the candle at both ends, and has been feeling the results the last couple days.  Please bring her Your Loving Comfort and grant her the rest she so dearly needs.

This morning Father I decided to get Jonathan and Aidan involved in our conversation.  Therefore, on the way to school I asked them both if they had anything to tell You or ask of You.  The responses I got were not exactly what I expected, but I felt good ones all the same:

Aidan (8) : “Is watching over everyone all the time hard?”

I don’t think Aidan realizes what a significant and deep question this is Father.  The more I thought about it, the more I realized that while we don’t have a definitive answer that fits in our limited understanding, there are some scriptural passages which shine some light on this question.

First off, we refer to You as “Almighty God”, which implies the omnipotence of Your Power and that You are “All-ruling” (from the Greek word pantokrator used in the early Bible translations) over what You have created.  Jesus summed it up quite clearly in Matthew 19:26:

“Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”” (NIV)

You created us all, and have reign over all You have created; Your Word states this over and over quite distinctly.  This tells me You have the power to watch over us all without question.

The other piece of this answer in my mind, would be the omnipresence of Your Spirit.  Again, referencing scriptures for this I found Psalm 139:7-12:

“Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.
If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me
and the light become night around me,”
even the darkness will not be dark to you;
the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to you.” (NIV)

Through Your Spirit, You reach out and have complete access to the whole of Your Creation.  Ok, so you have the Power, and the Presence.  I realize that this doesn’t answer Aidan’s question specifically about whether or not it’s hard for You Lord, but Your Word clearly establishes the ability for You to do so, and the promise You gave us:

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9 (NIV) (one of my all-time favorite verses)

Great question Aidan!  🙂

Jonathan (11): “What does God have planned for the people of Japan now?”

Bless him Father, he worries about so much and so many people for an 11 year old.

I explained to him that in cases like this, we have to understand that we don’t truly have the “Big Picture” that You do, but that You were still there for those people, still loved them and were still in control.

I’m sure he’ll be talking with You directly later on about this Lord.  Maybe You can give him a better answer than I was able to at 7:45 this morning.  🙂

Heavenly Father, I thank You for the lessons I learn each day through my children.  I love seeing them growing in Your Kingdom and yearning to know You better.  Please continue to guide them along the path You have chosen, and help me bring Your Love and Wisdom to their hearts and minds.  Amen.

~Phather Phil

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