
Kindness is Contagious

Dear Lord; Good morning Father!

In recent months Father, my children have become much more observant of the people around them and the things they say and do.  This of course has led to LOTS of questions about behaviors and mannerisms, and why people act in certain ways.  Following a car ride we took over the weekend, I started thinking much more in-depth about what they’re asking and the responses I’ve been giving them.

“Why do people throw trash on the ground?” asked Aidan as he looked out the car window Saturday afternoon.  “Because sometimes, people can be lazy and selfish I’m afraid.” I responded.  A little further down the road, I put my turn signal on to move over into a different lane.  When I did so, instead of making space to let me in the driver of the car next to me closed the gap between themselves and the car in front of them, effectively preventing the lane-change.  Sensing my annoyance, one of the boys piped up “Why’d they do that?”“Because sometimes people only think about themselves.” I replied.

As I look back on that ride, I’m a little disappointed by the answers I gave to the boys.  These were prime openings for much deeper discussions about how our actions or inactions can affect others, and how with little acts of kindness and thoughtfulness we can make a real difference in the lives of those around us.  Little things like holding onto your napkin from lunch until you find a trash can, or moving aside when you see someone with their turn signal on cost us very little effort,  and yet can be the difference between a smile and “the last straw” of someone’s day.

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” – Colossians 3:12 (NIV)

In the same respect Lord, I am also convicted by my own words as well.  In a rush to get to work in the morning, how many times have I cut someone off without thinking about it?  How many times have I not stopped to help someone in need when I truly could have?  How often have I focused on situations in my own life instead of trying to reach out to others going through difficult times?  I do try to be a good person and show kindness and comfort to others, but if I’m brutally honest with myself I know I can do more.

Heavenly Father, please help guide me to be a source of compassion, support and understanding to those around me.  Lead me to reach out in the spirit of Your Love, and to show that Light to others.  Kindness is contagious Lord; Please aid me in starting an epidemic.  Amen.

~Phather Phil

There is a Time for Everything

Dear Lord; Good morning Father.

Today Lord, I was having difficulty deciding how to “frame” our conversation.  This morning brought along with the dawn a seemingly continuous stream of headaches, problems and complications which made it very difficult for me to focus on Your Voice through the “noise”.  I started writing several times, but always ended up clearing it from my screen because it just felt wrong.  Instead of forcing the issue, I decided to leave myself open to You as best I could, and work through the day’s labors until we could connect up properly.

Well Father… I’m here now.

It’s terribly disconcerting to me when I get to the point where I can’t focus enough to have our morning discussion.  I’m dependent on You Lord, and when earthly influences overwhelm me to the point of not being able to concentrate on You, it’s upsetting to say the least.  I felt lost, and embattled.  For my human frailties Lord, I apologize and thank You for being ever faithful to me during my moments of weakness.

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” – Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)

Thank You for Your Comfort and Strength Father, and Your Unwavering Dedication to Your Children.  We are truly Blessed.

Now Lord, if I may, I’d like to shift the subject.

As I mentioned yesterday, over the weekend I got a chance to head out with Jonathan and Aidan to Blackbird State Forest for a photowalk in the woods.  It wasn’t overly cold per-se, but the wind was in upwards of 40mph, providing a stark reminder that while the temperature was up a bit we were still in the grips of winter.  I hadn’t been there during this time of year before, and it was a truly different place with the foliage stripped from the trees and bushes.  The veil of green we were accustomed to seeing was cast aside, and had been replaced by a vast sea of towering gray trunks reaching into the sky.

Life seemed to have packed up and left for warmer climates.

And yet, as we walked through the silent, barren trails we were greeted with some signs of rebirth.  Through the carpet of fallen leaves and pine needles poked streaks of color; tufts of early grasses and fungi protected by and feeding on the remains of the previous year’s abundance.  Like our spirits journeying to Your Light Lord, the forest was quietly feeding and nourishing the life it held hidden beneath the surface.

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:  a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.” – Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (NIV)

Heavenly Father, that walk opened my heart to the transitions You’re making in my life.  I pray that You continue to feed my hunger for Your Presence, and nourish my imperfect and yearning spirit so that my human failings are no further impediment to Your Plan for me.  Amen.

~Phather Phil

Time to Clean House

Dear Lord; Good afternoon Father.

Today Lord, I spent much of my morning “cleaning house” at my shop.  We actually moved into these new offices over a year ago, but it was a rushed move and in the haste to meet contractual deadlines we ended up doing a poor job of sorting and packing equipment, tools, paperwork and such.  The result of which was that anything that we didn’t need right that moment was tossed into boxes somewhat randomly, and then stuck on shelves in the new space.  Well, today the lack of being able to find a part that I knew I had got the better of me, and I started tearing through boxes; sorting, tossing things out and beginning to put some order to the chaos.  It was truly amazing what we had shoved aside, and in the end I even found the item I was looking for.  There’s still a lot more to go through, but every journey has to start somewhere.

Hmmm… Where have I heard that before?

At some point during my morning of discovery, I realized that maybe I needed to go through a similar process in my spiritual life.  There are lots of “boxes of stuff” I’ve built up inside of me over the years that I’ve hurriedly shoved aside while running from one situation to the next.  I’ve opened some of them and put them in their places, but there are many others that still lie on my emotional shelves gathering dust.  I think we all hold on to some “baggage” like that as we go through life; containers filled with past guilt, remorse, longing and sadness that we file away with the intention to deal with them at a later date.

Well Lord, I’m tired of tripping over them.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” – 2 Corinthians 5:17

I’ve given myself completely to You Father, so these storehouses of pent-up burdens need to go… We need the room for the two of us to build a new “living space” together.

Heavenly Father, I place the dusty baggage of my soul in Your Loving Hands.  I’ve learned what I can from it, and now need to focus on Your New Life in me.  I pray that the new, cleaner house we build together will be deemed ready to reside in Your Kingdom.  Amen.

~Phather Phil

Husbands, love your wives

Dear Lord; Happy Monday Father!  Once again Lord, You Blessed me with a lovely couple days respite filled with family, good food and good friends.  Thank You so very much for that time!

Well Father, today we celebrate Valentine’s Day.  While the true origin of this holiday seems to be clouded by historical variations in the chain of events which formed it, today we observe it as a day to focus on and express the love and affection we feel for those we’re closest to.  In addition to the amazing love You’ve shown me directly Lord, You’ve also Blessed me beyond words by surrounding me with a significant number of loving, caring people…

And at the center of this group, is my wonderful wife Shannon.

I see Your Light in her in so many ways Father.  She’s my partner in every respect; A true soul bonded to my own with whom I can share my innermost self without fear of judgment or rejection.  She’s a phenomenal mother to our two sons, and has proved her mettle and devotion to our marriage and our family time and time again.  She’s been the anchor when I’ve been adrift, and the harbor when I’ve needed rest and comfort.  She gives of herself freely to help others in need, and brings her loving spirit to all that she does.  She’s the first person I think of to share my joys, and as You know, the focus of many of my prayers.  I am a much better man Lord, with her by my side.

“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” – Ephesians 5:25

Heavenly Father, I thank You for Blessing our Union as Man and Wife and for seeing us through the trials we encounter along our journey together.  Please continue to let her feel the warmth of Your Loving Embrace, and watch over her throughout her days.  Amen.

~Phather Phil

In peace I will lie down

Dear Lord; Good morning Father.  First off Lord, let me apologize in advance.  Last night was rough, and I’m not terribly “with it” today I’m afraid.  As You well know, I’ve suffered with insomnia on and off since I was 12 years old.  Well, last night it came back in all fervor and I ended up only getting a few hours respite before having to start my day.

This was an odd bout of sleeplessness Father.  Usually, it simply manifests itself as my mind going a mile-a-minute and not being able to shut down.  Last night however, I also had physical symptoms as well; My heart was racing, my chest was tight and I felt overwhelmingly anxious.  I have no clue what brought it on, but it lasted for a good bit of the night.  I tried praying in the darkness, slow breathing techniques, and finally resorted to a sleeping pill but nothing seemed to calm my restless spirit.  Finally, plain old exhaustion took over and I passed out for a while.

It’s been ages since this has happened Lord, and I’d forgotten how unsettling it is.

This morning, I headed for Your “Instruction Manual” to see what wisdom I could glean about this recent development, and of course came away with some things to think about.

“In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat— for he grants sleep to those he loves.” – Psalm 127:2

Ok, I get it… Sleep is one of Your Gifts to us as well, and I need to remember that and Accept it from You (there’s that word of mine again…).

“In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety.” – Psalm 4:8

I obviously need to focus on this as well Lord.  With the turmoil in our lives today, we sometimes allow our worldly anxieties to overwhelm us, and I’m sure that contributed to the tumultuous night I had.  I need to let go of the day’s struggles, and dwell in Your Peace when I lay down.

Heavenly Father, please help my mind be in steadfast focus on Your Everlasting Peace.  May we all learn to leave our burdens at Your Feet, and Accept Your Calming Comfort in our lives.  Amen.

~Phather Phil

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