
Love Has Come for Us All

Dear Lord; Happy Friday Father!

Well Father, it’s certainly been a roller-coaster of a week.  You’ve been extremely “chatty” with me as of late and while I don’t completely understand these urgings You’re placing on my heart yet, I’m starting to put some of the pieces together.  Either way Lord, I am paying attention.  🙂

Today Father, I’d like to lift a dear friend of mine up in prayer.  He’s going through a very rough time at the moment, and he’s hurting deeply inside.  He’s been an incredible support and Blessing both to myself and my business over the years, and has always encouraged me on my journey to Your Service.  Please bring Your Healing Presence to his heart Father, and grant him the comfort he needs to be strong during this time of trial.

To close out the week Lord, I’d like to once again share some music that uplifts and inspires me.  One of my favorite Christian Artists for many years has been Mark Schultz.  He initially grabbed my attention almost ten years ago with “He’s My Son”, which I first heard while Jonathan was going through chemotherapy.  Recently however, he seems to be coming out with one amazing new song after another.  One of those that truly makes my heart swell is “Love Has Come” :

He’s a truly talented artist Father, and I can feel Your Love each time I hear this song.  The chorus says it all :

Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess
That God is love and love has come for us all
Every heart set free, every one will see
That God is love and love has come for us all”


~Phather Phil

The Rainbow Connection

Dear Lord; Good morning Father!

As You’re undoubtedly aware Father, it’s a dreary, rainy day here in Delaware.  It’s just one of those mornings where I wake up, look outside, and seriously contemplate finding some excuse to crawl back under the covers.  Alas, today that wasn’t an option so out into the weather I went.

Driving into the office following teacher conferences at the boys’ school (which went very well… thank You!), I started contemplating the lingering clouds and falling rain a little bit more.  Like all of Your Gifts to us, the rain has a purpose; it supports and nourishes life, and cleanses the landscape it traverses.  While we may not always feel joyous when the weather shifts, it is one of Your Blessings to us all the same.

And then comes the rainbow…

“And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.  Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind.  Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.  Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”” – Genesis 9:12-16 (NIV)

I LOVE this Lord: a rainbow is the reminder of Your covenant with us.  What an amazing signature You have Father!  Noah must have had such a smile on his face seeing that first rainbow.  🙂

Today Father, You also placed on my heart the idea to start “Thankful Thursday” here on  The concept I had was that on each Thursday’s message to You, I’d close by listing some of the things I’ve been especially thankful for this week.  Just for curiosity’s sake, I did a quick Google search on the phrase and found that it was already something that was being done and coordinated on another site.  The site is a blog called “Grace Alone…”, and I’m pleased to link to her site today.

This week has been a hectic roller-coaster-ride Lord, but it’s funny that during those crazy days I find myself even more thankful for Your Blessings.  As this is the first “Thankful Thursday” entry for me, I’ll start with the most obvious and significant miracle in my life:

I’m extremely thankful for the unending support of my wonderful wife Shannon.  As You know Father, things have been difficult business-wise over the last several months.  Through every up-and-down, she’s always been there for me with words of comfort and encouragement.  Her love is an amazing gift Lord, and I feel truly Blessed having her as my wife.

There are so many other Blessings You grant me each day Lord, but we’ll start there.  🙂

Heavenly Father, I thank You for the cleansing rain and the vibrant reminder of Your Covenant that will soon follow.  I pray we can all see through the apparent gloom and witness Your Shining Majesty in each of our lives today.  Amen.

~Phather Phil

A Geek’s Look at Salvation

Dear Lord; Good morning Father!

Over the last couple weeks Father, it seems that I’ve been performing more and more data recovery services at my office.  It’s actually work that I enjoy; taking a damaged hard drive where the contents have been rendered inaccessible and extracting the client’s seemingly lost bits of information contained therein.  It’s a puzzle sometimes, and each drive has it’s own nuances that requires specific “massaging” to get to the data.

For the client, it’s a time of trial to be sure.  Critical business data, family photos, tax returns or years of childhood videos may hang in the balance.  People tend to underestimate the importance and value of the information they entrust to their computers these days, and when it’s not there all of a sudden it can be quite a shock.  In the end, It’s a wonderfully satisfying feeling for me to hand them back something precious that they thought was lost to them forever.

Hold on… That’s what You do for us!

“But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.” – Ephesians 2:4-5

We bring our lost and broken selves to Your Feet Lord, and through Your Son Jesus Christ we are “recovered” and made whole again.  You return to us the most precious part of ourselves, and delight in doing so.

I never thought of you as a fellow geek Father… I like it.  🙂

Heavenly Father, thank You for “recovering me” from my sin and brokenness.  Please continue to fill my spirit with new and beautiful “data”, and assist me in promoting Your Wondrous Service to others.  Amen.

~Phather Phil

Kindness is Contagious

Dear Lord; Good morning Father!

In recent months Father, my children have become much more observant of the people around them and the things they say and do.  This of course has led to LOTS of questions about behaviors and mannerisms, and why people act in certain ways.  Following a car ride we took over the weekend, I started thinking much more in-depth about what they’re asking and the responses I’ve been giving them.

“Why do people throw trash on the ground?” asked Aidan as he looked out the car window Saturday afternoon.  “Because sometimes, people can be lazy and selfish I’m afraid.” I responded.  A little further down the road, I put my turn signal on to move over into a different lane.  When I did so, instead of making space to let me in the driver of the car next to me closed the gap between themselves and the car in front of them, effectively preventing the lane-change.  Sensing my annoyance, one of the boys piped up “Why’d they do that?”“Because sometimes people only think about themselves.” I replied.

As I look back on that ride, I’m a little disappointed by the answers I gave to the boys.  These were prime openings for much deeper discussions about how our actions or inactions can affect others, and how with little acts of kindness and thoughtfulness we can make a real difference in the lives of those around us.  Little things like holding onto your napkin from lunch until you find a trash can, or moving aside when you see someone with their turn signal on cost us very little effort,  and yet can be the difference between a smile and “the last straw” of someone’s day.

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” – Colossians 3:12 (NIV)

In the same respect Lord, I am also convicted by my own words as well.  In a rush to get to work in the morning, how many times have I cut someone off without thinking about it?  How many times have I not stopped to help someone in need when I truly could have?  How often have I focused on situations in my own life instead of trying to reach out to others going through difficult times?  I do try to be a good person and show kindness and comfort to others, but if I’m brutally honest with myself I know I can do more.

Heavenly Father, please help guide me to be a source of compassion, support and understanding to those around me.  Lead me to reach out in the spirit of Your Love, and to show that Light to others.  Kindness is contagious Lord; Please aid me in starting an epidemic.  Amen.

~Phather Phil

A Prayer for Shannon

Dear Lord; Happy Friday Father!

To begin with Father, I want to thank You again for yesterday.  As You told me it would be when I woke, it was a good day.  🙂

Today Lord, I’d like to focus my prayers on my wonderful wife Shannon if I may.  As You know, she’s been on my mind even more than usual the last few days.  The past year has been an amazing transition and growth year for her both personally and professionally, but in that same respect her workload has increased and changed from what she’d been used to for so long.  From being a stay-at-home mom and part-time assistant at a Christian Preschool she now :

– Has a job as a full-time Preschool Teacher with a full class of four-year-olds at a school she loves, surrounded by people that encourage and appreciate her.

– Has started taking college courses to further her education in Early Childhood Development.

– Plays viola for the Dover Symphony Orchestra and a private quartet that does weddings and parties.

– Teaches violin, viola and other instrumental lessons to a number of children in the area.

And on top of that Father, she always finds time and energy for her loving husband and two little boys.  I am indeed Blessed to have her as my wife, my best friend and the mother of our children.

When I first heard the song “Dancing in the Minefields” by Andrew Peterson played on K-Love earlier in the year, I shared it with her and we both immediately felt a connection to the message it contained.  It’s been running through my heart a lot the last few days, so I thought I’d close the week by sharing :

Heavenly Father, You’ve bestowed upon me the most amazing gift any man could ask for; a true soul-mate in life.  I thank You for such an undeserved Blessing, and pray that You continue to shine Your Light through her eyes and her heart.  Amen.

~Phather Phil

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