Dec 15, 2011
Posted by PhatherPhil on Dec 15, 2011 | 7 comments
Dear Lord; Happy Thankful Thursday Father!
Grumble, grumble, grumble…
This Father, was the response (the nicer version of it anyways) that greeted me upon trying to wake my “just turned twelve” son Jonathan this morning. Now, he’s always been a little sluggish getting moving in the morning, but last night he ended up staying awake far later than usual to try and finish some homework, and this morning when I tried to get him up for school…
And Grumbling.
After much cajoling, some veiled threats of consequences, and yes, some “raised voices” (smiles), he finally got up and begrudgingly got ready for school.
Later in the day as I mulled over the morning’s epic struggle, it dawned on me that I’d been guilty of similar offenses this week as well…
I’ve grumbled to You Lord, more than once.
Money is exceptionally tight this year… grumble, grumble, grumble
I haven’t had a full night’s sleep in what seems like forever… grumble, grumble, grumble
The dogs just won’t stop barking… grumble, grumble, grumble
I never seem to have time to do the things I want to do… grumble, grumble, grumble
And yet Father, in the midst of all my grumbling, You’ve stayed by my side; encouraging me, comforting me, and faithfully guiding me through each and every storm.
And You’ve never grumbled about it.
Thank you Lord, for setting that example. 🙂
Now Father, as opposed to grumbling (smiles again), I’d like to present You with this week’s Thankful Thursday list! Even though this past week has certainly provided more than a few challenges for me Lord, I’ve still found myself surrounded by signs of Your gracious love. And while I’m thankful for all of the wonderful gifts You’ve Blessed my life with Father, this week I’m especially grateful for:
436. A fun, silly dinner at Friendly’s to celebrate Jonathan’s birthday.
437. Those guiding whispers to my heart when I’m about to say something I shouldn’t.
438. That our Tuesday night Small Group has connected in such a powerful way that we all feel comfortable coming to one another in times of need.
439. Twelve years of having Jonathan in our lives.
440. That the new Ewell’s – St. Paul UMC website is nearly completed. 🙂
441. Chocolate and peanut butter oreo balls.
442. The divine gift of marriage, and Blessing me with the call to join two people in Your love.
443. A significant savings on gasoline through a local grocery store discount program.
444. That when my limited understanding obscures my needs, Your Spirit knows all the same.
445. Christmas cookies.
446. That in my weakness, Your grace strengthens and emboldens me.
447. That one way or another Lord, You always deliver on Your promises.
448. An exceptional friend that knew I needed a break, and stepped in without asking to help.
449. Guiding messages from my Heavenly Father that help steer me through difficulties.
450. The “Road Signs” in Your Word that help to guide my life.
Heavenly Father,
We thank You Lord, for the multitude of Blessings You surround us with each day; both those that light up the sky with Your brilliance, and those gifts that grace our lives quietly from the shadows…
Even when we grumble.
In Jesus’ Name we pray,
~Phather Phil
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Dec 8, 2011
Posted by PhatherPhil on Dec 8, 2011 | 4 comments
Dear Lord; Happy Thankful Thursday Father!
As You know Father, for the past several weeks our Tuesday night study group has been working through a DVD Book Study based on Pastor Pete Wilson’s book : “Plan B: What do you do when God doesn’t show up the way you thought He would”. I’d read the book earlier this year and very much enjoyed it, so when the time came to choose a new study, I was quite pleased that everyone agreed to pursue “Plan B”. As of this week, we’ve completed three sessions of the study and so far it’s been an inspiring and encouraging examination of how even in the midst of seemingly hopeless situations, You perform some of Your most powerful work in us.
As I was thinking today on some of the things we’ve been discussing in the group these past few weeks, it dawned on me that Christmas itself is the celebration of Mary and Joseph’s “Plan B”. Before being visited by the Angel Gabriel, Mary’s life was proceeding along a fairly normal path. She’d become betrothed to a man named Joseph, and was very likely planning for her role as his wife, and the future mother of their children.
And in a moment, her world turned upside down…
And our world was forever changed.
Her “Plan B” was Your “Plan A”.
This hammers home a very important point Father; in the midst of those situations where our lives seem to be flying desperately off course, You’re not shaken or confused. What we view as turmoil, You see as opportunity…
May we all seize those opportunities Father; embracing the understanding that our “Plan B” moments, were Your “Plan A”s all along. 🙂
And now Lord, on to this week’s Thankful Thursday list! This past week has been simply overflowing with Your Blessings Father, but I’d like to give special thanks for:
421. Having friends that pray for me.
422. Getting to spend much of the day Saturday cooking for family and friends.
423. A quick healing for the eye I scratched.
424. Some helpful advice from a friend that helped get the Jaguar running again.
425. New glasses for Jonathan.
426. That the Rimadyl is making an obvious improvement in Brandy’s pain level.
427. Having friends that can tell when I’m having a rough time, and pushing through my “wall”.
428. A quiet walk in Blackbird State Forest with Jonathan last Sunday.
429. That even though I fall short in so many ways, You know my heart and guide me ahead.
430. Candy Cane Hershey’s Kisses.
431. Real kisses from my loving wife.
432. The Kids Construction Workshops at Home Depot.
433. Seeing my children reach out with giving hearts.
434. Knowing that I’m Your Beloved Child.
435. Having a full collection of inspiring Christmas Music to play on my iPod during the day.
And so much more Lord.
Heavenly Father,
We thank You Lord, for the many Blessings you bestow on us each day; both those that announce Your presence like sirens in the night, and those that grace our lives in Stillness.
In Jesus’ Name we pray,
~Phather Phil
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Dec 1, 2011
Posted by PhatherPhil on Dec 1, 2011 | 6 comments
Dear Lord; Happy Thankful Thursday Father!
And once again Father, we come to the Thankful Thursday “edition” here at Today, I’m picking up where I left off on my list two weeks back, as for Thanksgiving I was Blessed to be able to present You with lists from Shannon and the boys instead. You graced us with a truly wonderful holiday weekend Father; filled with family, friends, fellowship and the beautiful promise that the beginning of Advent brings to our hearts. So much to be thankful for Lord, so much…
And on that note Father, continuing from where we left off, this past week I’ve been especially grateful for:
406. An absolutely beautiful Thanksgiving gathering with close friends and family.
407. You Blessing me with exactly what You know I need, when I need it. (Not to be confused with what I think I need, or what I want…)
408. Having close brothers and sisters in Christ to help keep me accountable.
409. An inspiring and encouraging Small Group gathering Tuesday evening as we delve deeper into the “Plan B” study.
410. Getting the outside Christmas lights up last weekend.
411. The spark of anticipation that this Season of Advent places in my heart.
412. Time spent with Jonathan putting up the Christmas lights.
413. Seeing the joy on Aidan’s face as he helped put the lights on the Christmas tree for the first time.
414. Turkey Club Sandwiches made with the leftovers from Thanksgiving dinner.
415. That no matter how “out of control” life can seem to us, You’re never shaken.
416. Snuggling up with the kids on the couch to watch Christmas movies.
417. Having a group of our church family over for a fellowship brunch after services last Sunday.
418. The opportunity for our family to light the first Advent Wreath Candle during the church service last Sunday.
419. The “Blue Glow” that covers our house during the Christmas Season.
420. A beautiful guest “Email to God” written by my friend Kandi this week.
And the list continues to grow Lord, with no end in sight… 🙂
Heavenly Father,
We thank You Father, for the multitude of Blessings you bestow on us each and every day; both those that shine brightly with Your radiance, and those that uplift us quietly from the shadows. As we rejoice in the anticipation that this Season of Advent signifies, please open our hearts Lord, and fill us with wonder and gratitude at the coming of the Christ Child.
In Jesus’ Name we pray,
~Phather Phil
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Nov 29, 2011
Posted by PhatherPhil on Nov 29, 2011 | 8 comments
Dear Lord; Happy Tuesday Father!
Today Father, I’m Blessed to share an “Email to God” with You written by Kandi, from “Get Out of the Boat”. Her posts always exude such an intimate connection with You Lord, so I was absolutely elated when she agreed to bring her prayers here today.
Good morning Father,
Well, at least it’s morning when I am writing this, very early morning, it is 1:00 a.m. right now, that seems to be the magic hour for You and I, I write so many of my blog posts this time of morning, when the world is still and silent. I am thankful for these times when it is just quiet, when it is just us spending time together. It is this time of morning when I do not have to strain through the voices of the day to hear Yours. So I sit here, fingers on the keyboard wondering what words are going to find their way onto the page.
A few years ago, I remember seeing the words “survival of the fittest” splashed across someone’s social network page. I remember thinking how strong and confident the writer of those words probably thought they sounded, and all I could think to myself was how hopeless that was. That was back in my infancy days when I first came to You, the days when getting on my knees before You seemed to exhaust my physical limits, when the tears flowed so freely it felt like I were shedding the three plus decades of my life that I spent without You, those four little words that in this world represent a sense of strength in ourselves, yet is void of any hope. Yes, there is the hope of something better, there is the hope that the dreams and passions of our deceptive human hearts will come to fruition, and for some they will, but there is no hope in You, in death it will all become meaningless and left behind. Those whose hope rests squarely in arms of You Father, the One who gives meaning to our lives, begin to see a bigger picture, that there is a greater purpose beyond what we can see. We know that You will never leave us or forsake us, You know the plans You have for us and that they are good, that You have gone before us, You have made a way, You have already made the our path straight, even when it looks so very crooked laid out at our feet, we know the only truest and purest form of hope is in You Father. We cling to You and Your promises, because we know that only You can take the ash and mold it into something beautiful, we know only You can make something new again, when we hope in You, our lives and the meaning of them begin to look different, when we frame them in the hope of You. There are places You want to take us that not even the strongest hands can touch because the greatest of human strength is like a pebble at the bottom of the ocean compared to Yours.
Father, You have blessed us with so many great scriptures of hope in Your word, but it is this one from Isaiah 40:31 that You keep placing in my path, I think this is one of my favorite scriptures that describes what our hope in You looks like.
“but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength
they will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint” – Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)
Father, when I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior four and half years ago, I would have never imagined being in this place I am today, I never thought it possible, Father, I love You so much, I can’t imagine doing life without You, I can’t live without hope in You.
Amen… Thank you Kandi!
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Nov 24, 2011
Posted by PhatherPhil on Nov 24, 2011 | 9 comments
Dear Lord; Happy Thankful Thursday Father!
And today Father, we come to the original Thankful Thursday… Thanksgiving! On this day each year, here in the United States we take time to put aside the normal activities and concerns of daily life and focus our attentions on Your abundant Blessings.
As we’ve discussed many times Lord, when I begin counting my Blessings my wife Shannon and my two boys Jonathan and Aidan immediately spring to mind. They’re truly one of Your greatest gifts in my life Father, and I can’t begin to thank You enough for my life with them.
As precious as they are to me Father, it seems fitting that on this day where our focus rests in gratitude, that I share our conversation with them as well. Therefore, for this Thankful Thursday “Special Edition”, I present You with some things that my cherished family members are grateful for:
Jonathan (Age 11)
– Having the choice to follow the Lord.
– Having friends and family over for Thanksgiving.
– Having parents that are still together.
– Having the opportunity to get an education.
– That all my sins are forgiven.
Aidan (Age 9)
– For my family.
– For our home.
– For good food to eat.
– That I have people that love me.
– For the fun I have building Legos.
Shannon (Older than 11 :-))
– The love of a grace-filled man.
– Empathetic children who give their birthday money to help fill a church food pantry.
– Recipes from the past that shine like new.
– Music to share in ALL aspects of my life.
– Craft links on Pinterest 😉
Heavenly Father,
As we focus on Your many gifts in our lives Lord, Your love for us is so apparent. Open our eyes and our hearts Father, that we better recognize Your Blessings each day, and realize that Thanksgiving isn’t only once a year, but every day that we dwell in Your tender mercies.
In Jesus’ Name we pray,
~Phather Phil
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