
From a Father to The Father

Dear Lord; This morning Father, I’m just going to brag a little about my children.  I attended a parent-teacher conference for Aidan this morning, and it was just so heartening to hear the wonderful words of praise from his teacher.  He’s doing very well academically, but that wasn’t really what made me leave grinning from ear to ear.  His teacher started the meeting by saying that for conferences this period, she sat down and came up with three adjectives to describe each child.  In Aidan’s case, she had a hard time choosing only three but the ones she came up with as the top selections just made my day; Curious, Sweet and Helpful.  She then spent time emphasizing to me that while he was a wonderful student, he was just a pleasure to have in her class because he was so focused on caring for and helping everyone around him.  (~Insert Beaming Father Face Here~)  Shannon and I try very hard to instill a sense of empathy and sense of compassion in our boys, but like every parent we have days where we’re just sure we’re missing the mark somewhere.  Today was a wonderful validation that through all of it, we’re doing something right.  Thank You so much for Blessing us with our two Angels, and for helping me see that glimpse of the Men we’re trying to raise.  Amen.  ~Phather Phil

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