
Thankful Thursday: Realigning My Thoughts

Dear Lord; Happy Thankful Thursday Father!

As I mentioned yesterday Father, I’ve felt a bit disconnected the past couple days so I think today’s “Counting My Blessings” post is just what the doctor ordered to realign my thoughts with all the Blessings You surround me with each day.  I’ve seen a number of other “Bloggy Friends in Christ” having similar issues to those I expressed in yesterday’s post, so today I also want to pray for Your Comfort and Peace to be with them as well.

And on to the list!  Continuing from last week…

46. An administrative assistant who makes sure I eat, even when I’m too hectic to think about it.

47. The encouraging and thoughtful comments that are left on each day.

48. Spiritual Decompression time.

49. A Heavenly Father that’s never too busy to talk with me.

50. Having a local butcher who has wonderful, fresh meats at great prices.

51. A lull in the hot, sticky weather today (low 80s and a nice breeze).

52. The 12-foot market umbrella on our deck which allows us to be outside more often.

53. That the grass is growing slowly this week.  🙂

54. Godparents who take an active role in our children’s lives.

55. Friends willing to watch the boys now and again so Shannon and I can get out together.

56. Green’s Black Raspberry Blast Ice Cream

57. New sales that seem to show up just when I need them.

58. Afternoon coffee.

59. “Date Night” with Shannon.

60. Your Mercies in Disguise.

As always, I thank You Father for these and all the other Blessings You bestow on me each day.  Even at my lowest points, I can look up and always see Your Light above me, welcoming me back to You.  Amen.

~Phather Phil

Spiritual Decompression

Dear Lord; Happy Wednesday Father!

Today Father, I hit the wall.

Not literally mind you, but from a mental, emotional and to some extent, spiritual sense I hit a point today where the events of the past couple weeks all seemed to pile on top of one another, and I allowed that self-imposed load to overwhelm me to the point of exhaustion.  I spent my afternoon trying desperately to focus and get a handle on the deluge of tasks strewn about me, but to no avail.

My mind had left the building.

After everyone else had left the office this evening (rather promptly in fact, as today was a payday), I was beginning to get things together to head out myself when all of a sudden I was stopped dead in my tracks by Your Voice in my head…

“Spiritual Decompression” I heard You say.

Huh?  Ok… I hadn’t heard that one before.

Driving home, I had some “quiet time” to contemplate Your somewhat unusual directive.  At first, it seemed like maybe I’d misunderstood, but as I meditated more on the phrase Your point came through loud and clear and I realized why I was in the throes of such inner turmoil.  Over the last week or so with all of the hectic goings-on preparing for the party, having to deal with a series of business nightmares, coping with an onslaught of worrisome news regarding friends’ health along with the day-to-day duties required to keep family life moving along, our time together had been broken up and limited.  Yes, we’d certainly talked but it was always “in-between” rushing to deal with the earthly duties around me.

You were reminding me that I needed to rest in You… To reconnect, and decompress.

Message received, and understood.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” – Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV)

Thank You for the reminder Father.  🙂


~Phather Phil

Divine Background Music

Dear Lord; Happy Sunday Father!

Last week Lord, the boys and I were sitting down together watching an old episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation.  Riker and a couple other crewmembers had beamed over to a derelict ship and were exploring, when I looked over and noticed that Aidan was covering his eyes.  When I asked him why, he told me “There’s a scary part coming… The music changed.”.  Sure enough, the background music had changed to an ominous tone, and seconds later the first alien body was found.  That got me to thinking…

What if we had our own “background music” in our lives…

Wow… Wouldn’t that be cool!  We could tell when we were headed for dangerous or scary situations, or good news was coming.  We’d have warnings of upsetting events, or that what we were doing was destined for a joyous outcome.  Through that musical guidance our lives could be focused and directed so we knew what we should do with a better sense of clarity…

And then I realized Father, that we already have that… We have Your Voice.

The “music” of Your Spirit is always there with us; It soothes us, warns us of self-destructive behaviors, comforts us and leads us where our true path lies.

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”” – Isaiah 30:21 (NIV)

Such wonderful melodic guidance it is Father, we just need to learn to listen for it in our daily lives.

Thank You so much for being such a Wondrous Conductor, guiding us from one scene to the next in perfect harmony with Your Purpose.  I pray that we may all hear Your lyrical prompting each day, and that our Divine Background Music leads us straight to Your Feet.  Amen.

~Phather Phil

Running on Fumes

Dear Lord; Happy Wednesday Father!

You know Father, I still find it amazing the ways You find to impress things upon my heart.  In today’s case for instance, my morning lesson came from the gas gauge on my dashboard.

I was on my way in to work, when the quiet of my morning ride was unceremoniously interrupted by a loud “ding!”.  Looking down at the dash, I realized that my trusty vehicle was trying to draw my attention to the fact that I was quite low on fuel.

“I’ll be ok” I thought… “I can keep going for a while yet.”

For some reason though, You seemed to feel that this was a good learning opportunity for me.

“You’ve felt that way before.” I heard You whisper.

Ouch!  I knew exactly what You’d meant by that too…

When I was in my early 20s, I knew everything.  I prided myself at always being one step ahead, always staying in control of every situation, and in never needing anyone’s help.  My life was a non-stop roller coaster of work, caring for a rapidly declining mother and grandfather, and one self-destructive relationship after another.  During that period I averaged three to four hours sleep a night, and many of those were obtained through alcohol induced collapse.  Yep, I had it all worked out… I could burn the candle at both ends and deal with whatever came my way.

I was running on fumes.

And like my truck Father, you can only function that way for so long before you just… stop.

In my case, the “dead on the side of the road” moment came with the onset and diagnosis of my son Jonathan’s disease shortly after he was born.  In one decisive stroke, I became painfully aware that I wasn’t as in control as I had disillusioned myself into believing.  I was lost, and terrified, and felt completely disconnected from what I had always held onto as being finite and real.

And yet Lord, in that humbling and pain, You began my rebirth.

Sometimes Father, as I’ve learned, we need to be stranded on the side of our spiritual road before we can begin the real journey.  Thankfully, You pick up hitchhikers.  🙂  Now I keep my “Faith Tank” full, and try to follow Your GPS to where You need me to be.  I don’t always get there directly, but I’m learning new roads each day.

Thank You for Your “Road Side Assistance” program Father.


~Phather Phil

P.S. Today marks one year from the very first “Email to God” that I ever posted.  It was simply a tongue-in-cheek message sent to my Facebook Wall that read : “Dear Lord, we thank you for another day and all the blessings you have bestowed upon us. Just a note however, I think you left the water running last night… Amen.  ~Phather Phil” (It was a particularly rainy day.  🙂 )

And With All Your Strength

Dear Lord; Happy Wednesday Father!

Today Lord, while reading in the Book of Deuteronomy I came across a passage that immediately reached out and touched my spirit.  I read it several times over, and each time I did so, the messages resonated more and more in my heart.  The verses I’m referring to detail Moses speaking to the Israelites about the Commandments You had delivered to them, and the importance of making them an integral part of our lives, and that of our children:

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children.  Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” – Deuteronomy 6:5-9 (NIV)

Wow Father… What powerful and passionate words these are!

I can picture Moses in my head, pleading with those people to not only follow Your Laws, but to absorb them, to teach them and to make them the foundation of every single part of their lives.

…with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.

I want that Father… I want to be consumed by Your Presence; to go throughout my day knowing that everything I do, I do for Your Glory.  And although I certainly fall way short of that directive, it remains a goal I strive for.

The rest of the passage made just as much of an impact on me as well.  As Christian parents, we need to not only teach Your Word and the Love of Christ to our children, but we also need to make You a fundamental part of their lives each day.  By “bringing” You to their discovery of the world around them and their everyday activities, we can help to instill Your Love in their hearts.

Heavenly Father, I thank You for placing this message in my heart today.  I pray that with Your Strength and Guidance I’m able to faithfully fulfill Your Plan for me, and that I can also bring that wonder and adoration of You to my children as well.  Amen.

~Phather Phil

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