
I’m Yours

Dear Lord; Happy Valentine’s Day Father!

Today Father, much of the world’s attention turns to “all things love” as we celebrate Valentine’s Day.  And yet, while the greeting card, candy and jewelry companies would like us to spend our time and money focusing on the romantic and tangible side of our affections, I choose instead to take this time to reflect on those aspects of love in my life that touch me most deeply:

The amazing, intimate bond I have with my wonderful wife, Shannon…

The powerful sense of care and commitment I have for my children…

The deep, very personal relationships I’ve established with a few close friends…

And the overwhelming, transformational and ever-deepening connection I have with my Lord and Savior.

Such wondrous examples of Your love for me Father; such astounding Blessings in my life.

Thank You Lord;

For seeding Your love in me,

For seeking me through my brokenness,

For reminding me that I’m Your Beloved Child,

And that above all else,

You love me; perfectly and completely.

I’m Yours Father.  🙂


~Phather Phil

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God Moments

Dear Lord; Happy Saturday Father!

I love those moments Lord,

When in the throes of our lives,

You announce Your presence.

Some see coincidence,

Some call it luck,

And yet,

I want see to them for what they are;

“God Moments”:

When just the right song plays on the radio, as if on cue…

While during a moment of self-doubt, a reassuring text message reminds us that we’re loved…

When the bills are due with no relief in sight, and yet somehow, the money shows up…

And while in the midst of our private pain, a quiet voice reminds us we’re Your Beloved.

So many times however Father,

I’ve missed the forest for the trees;

Seeing only frustration,

And struggle,

And pain.

Not viewing with eyes of faith and trust,

But instead through the world’s narrow lens.

Open my eyes Lord,

Open my heart.

Help me recognize Your hand

In every situation;

Not just those that make me smile.

For when I’m able to discern Your light

In everything around me,

Life itself

Becomes a “God Moment”.  🙂


~Phather Phil

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Thankful Thursday: An Opportunity to Share

Dear Lord; Happy Thankful Thursday Father!

Today Lord, I’m truly Blessed to be sharing some of the inspirations you’ve given me over at a fellow blogger and friend’s site; Healthy Spirituality.

Jean’s blog is always an amazing source of encouragement, education and inspiration to me Father, and I was absolutely honored when she asked me to write a post for her.  I’ll admit it Lord, I struggled for some time with what I felt You wanted me to share, and then again with finding the right phrasing to bring that truth to life.  Thankfully though Father, the words did come and I pray that I did Your message justice through their employ.

Continuing to count my Blessings Lord, on this very Thankful Thursday I’m especially grateful for:

526. That I have people who challenge me to grow closer to You, and hold me accountable for that commitment.

527. A wonderful movie event held at Ewell’s-St. Paul UMC last Friday night.

528. The care and assistance of a business client when some friends of mine were in need.

529. Skype and webcams allowing me to “visit” with friends far away.

530. An unexpectedly good client meeting today.

531. Steak Fajitas.

532. Your healing presence with two members of our Tuesday night study group as they dealt with injuries and illnesses this past week.

533. That the Internet allows me to connect with other believers all over the world.

534. A fun evening last Saturday playing cards with friends.

535. Being reminded of some powerful truths while watching “Facing the Giants”.

536. The abundant opportunities You give me to share the Gospel Message with others.

537. The lessons of Winter.

538. Friends that see when my heart is heavy, and push through the barriers I put up.

539. That when crises struck members in our Tuesday group this past week, the other members came together in love to support them.

540. That in You, we don’t have to be defined by our past.

Heavenly Father,

I thank You Lord, for the many Blessings You bestow on us each day; both those that light the night as a monument to Your love, and those that grace us quietly, whispering Your message from the shadows.

In Jesus’ Name we pray,


~Phather Phil

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Thankful Thursday: My Steadfast Constant

Dear Lord; Happy Thankful Thursday Father!

Well Father, it’s certainly been an interesting week.

Emotions have run high; from stomach wrenching anxieties, to moments of inspired joy, in the last seven days I believe I’ve covered the gambit.  And yet Lord, through all the ups and downs that pervade my life, I always have one piece of firm ground to stand on :

Your love for me.

You lift my heart in moments of grief, and cheer with me in times of joy.  You refresh my spirit when the world says I can’t, and reassure me that in You, all things are possible.  You forgive my failings, even when I struggle to forgive myself, and above it all Father, You never leave my side…

You are My Steadfast Constant Lord, and for that I am ever grateful.

And continuing that note of thanks Father, this week I’ve also been grateful for:

511. Cheddar Bacon Ranch Pulls.

512. You giving me “My One Word” for 2012.

513. A wide variety of Biblical Commentaries online to assist me with perspective.

514. Finding a free, easy backup plugin for WordPress to keep safe.

515. Some books on loan to me from Ewell’s-St. Paul’s library.

516. Being reminded of my true identity in Christ.

517. Finding deeper meaning through reading multiple translations of Scripture.

518. A quiet breakfast out with my family after church last Sunday.

519. That You willingly share our struggles and pain, and use them to draw us closer.

520. A reminder on a dear friend’s blog today to pursue You with reckless abandon.

521. That in times of stress, Your presence brings me the renewal I need.

522. The opportunity to welcome a new family to church last weekend.

523. Finding new ways to reach out and be the Hands and Feet of Christ Jesus.

524. Sharing a 6-Pack of tacos with Aidan at Hardees Wednesday night.

525. A very special gift.

Heavenly Father,

I thank You Lord, for all the gifts You grace our lives with; both those that infuse our senses with Your presence, and those that gently hold us in our moment of need.

In Jesus’ Name we pray,


~Phather Phil

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A Very Special Gift

Dear Lord; Happy Wednesday Father!

Today Lord, I simply want to say thank You.

As You know Father, the last couple weeks have been particularly stressful for me, and I’m afraid in several situations I allowed myself to weaken and give audience to Satan’s voices of dissent within my heart…

You’re not worthy of God’s attention…

You’re weak…        

You’re alone…

I can still get to you…

And yet, through all these attacks on my spirit Lord, You were right there.  You’ve quietly reminded me of my true identity, sent me fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to bolster my reserve, and through Your Word have helped keep my eyes focused on Your Kingdom.

And then this morning, You gave me a very special gift…

As I’ve mentioned before Father, I quite enjoy the path I take to work each morning.  I consciously avoid the highway, and instead travel a series of smaller back roads that run through much more rural settings.

My route also holds one further benefit.

For a short portion of the drive, my truck heads due East; affording me a wonderful front-row seat as the sun lifts above the horizon behind the farmlands ahead.  Most mornings it’s a lovely scene, but today it was particularly breathtaking.  The air was vividly clear, save for a thin line of clouds that dotted the horizon.  Lying behind that smoky veil, the morning sun’s radiance streamed upwards, seeming to burn rays of light into the heavens.  It was truly a marvelous sight, and as I smiled in recognition of Your handiwork, You let me know why…

“It’s for you…” You said.

For me??  I momentarily struggled with my disbelief, but it was just too powerful; the wall came crashing down and I clearly understood Your message:

You love me Father, and You’d move heaven and earth that I should know it.

What an amazing gift Lord… I am truly humbled, and forever changed.


~Phather Phil

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